On the 7th of May, 2021 during the Holy Month of Ramadhan, SOQ hosted our annual Iftar and dinner event where over 200 parcels of food were distributed to students of varying countries ranging from North America, the Caribbean, Africa and Asia ! Thank you for participating in this humble and sincere effort of keeping the Sunnah of Prophet & Ahlulbayt (A) alive. We were glad to see your reservations and pick-ups. The event was very successful Alhamdullilah, and we look forward to serving you next year, God willing !
Masha’Allah, the Rsvps came from individuals with following nationalities (ordered alphabetically):
– Canada
– China
– Denmark
– France
– Gambia
– India
– Iran
– New Zealand
– Nigeria
– Pakistan
– Philippines
– Singapore
– Trinidad & Tobago
– Uganda
– UK
– US
Please remember SoQ volunteers, donors, and contributors in your duaas. May Allah accept our fasting and worship during the blessed month of Ramadan.
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