And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient.
(Al-Baqarah: 155)
Since June of 2022, floods caused by monsoon rains and melting glaciers in Pakistan killed at least 1,003 people, including 340 children and six military officers in a helicopter crash and over 1,700 more were injured. Over 33 million people have been displaced because of floods. It is the deadliest flood in Pakistan since 2010, when nearly 2,000 died in flooding.
Heavy monsoon rainfall and floods have affected 30 million people in Pakistan since mid-June, destroying nearly 218,000 houses and damaging some 452,000 others.
Sindh and Balochistan are the two most affected provinces in terms of human and infrastructural impact. Over 700,000 livestock have been killed, nearly all of them in Balochistan Province, while destruction to nearly 3,000 km of roads and 145 bridges have impeded access across flood-affected areas. Over 17,560 schools were damaged or destroyed as well.
A number of charitable organizations of Pakistan are reaching out to assist the flood victims in these difficult times. Students of Qom (SoQ) is officially partnering with and supporting Mokib Shaheed Arif Husayni, Al-Bi’that Trust, Muhammad Ali Welfare Association (MAWA), Idara-e-Khudi, and Al-Sadiq Foundation Pakistan in this noble cause.
Short Term Plan:
- Organizing disaster relief camps in different areas of Pakistan
- Distribution of goods and basic necessities
Mid Term Plan:
- Supplying tools and materials to repair residential areas
- Providing educational materials to children
- Dispatching experts according to the need of each region
Long Term Plan:
- Repair and renovation of residential houses, urban and rural infrastructure, Mosques and Imambargah, schools and clinics
- Deploying preachers and school teachers in the regions
Due to the magnitude of damages, any monetary or non-monetary assistance is required.
May Allah bless all the sincere efforts in this noble cause. May Allah relieve the people of Pakistan.
~ Students of Qom (SoQ)
Muhammad Ali Welfare Trust (MAWA)
(Please send the deposit receipt to +923009238065)
(If you are in Pakistan)
Account#: 12360010064696900032
Easy paisa:03475314149 JazzCash: 03425451315
(If you are in Iran)
Bank Name: Bank Saderat
Name: Danish Ali Ali
Card #: 6037697640837404
Al-Bi’that Trust
(Please send the deposit receipt to +989367448437)
(If you are in Pakistan)
MCB Islamic Bank
(Please send the deposit receipt to +923009238065)
(If you are in Pakistan)
Branch Code: 0496
Samba Bank Ltd
Mokib Shaheed Arif Husayni (r)
(Please send the deposit receipt to +989367448437)
(If you are in Iran)
Bank Name: Bank Sepah
Name: Ali Asghar
Card #: 5892101334878028
Al-Sadiq Foundation Pakistan
(Please send the deposit receipt to +989027602741)
(If you are in Iran)
Name: Syed Shahzad Raza Zaidi
Card #: 6273811177889570